Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine & Acupuncture Services at Davisville and Yonge
You’re unique as are your health needs and at Davisville Active Therapy you will be treated by an experienced inter-disciplinary team with an approach that is customized to your health and goals!
Davisville Active Therapy provides chiropractic, physiotherapy, athletic therapy, registered massage therapy, medical acupuncture and naturopathic medicine services in a clean, professional and relaxing environment. Our qualified practitioners work as a team to encourage and enhance your health and well-being.
New patients and walk-ins are always welcome. From comprehensive family care to sports therapy for everyone from weekend-gym-warriors to professional athletes, we can get you back in action!
Location: We are located across the street from the Davisville subway TTC station. You can find us on the main floor of the Davisville Medical Centre at the corner of Yonge and Balliol Street – within walking distance from Eglinton and St. Clair Avenue. Call us now at 647.343.0221 or email us to book your consultation or an appointment!
We accept:
- extended health benefit claims(*)
- auto accident claims
- WSIB claims
- Visa, MasterCard, and debit.
(*) In many cases, we can send your claims directly to the insurance company! (As per your company’s policy.)
We offer a full range of supportive devices including custom orthotics, performance sport socks, compression stockings and footwear – designed to improve blood circulation and increase oxygen delivery to muscle tissue, maximizing athletic endurance. High quality support bracing is available, with coverage under most insurance plans.
Chiropractic Care and Medical Acupuncture
Both services provide pain relief for back, neck, knee pain, headache management, and much more. Get better posture and help for your injuries. You’ll be more active and have more energy sooner than you expect.
Registered Massage Therapy
Effective treatment approach to pain management, trauma and injuries. Massage complements chiropractic and physiotherapy care in the rehabilitation process. Or perhaps you are just looking for a relaxing massage to reduce your stress. We can help.
Do you suffer from ongoing pain and discomfort? Do you have a sports injury? Our rehabilitation and sports therapy physiotherapist can help you feel better. Achieve personal therapeutic goals through a four-phase treatment process.
Naturopathic Medicine
Our naturopathic doctor takes a holistic approach to identifying your health concerns and addressing them effectively; combining various modalities such as diet modification, acupuncture and herbs and supplement therapy.
At Davisville Active Therapy our mission is to: Rebuild, Recover, Restore – to Renew our patients’ lifestyle goals
Call now 647.343.0221 or email us to book your consultation or an appointment.